develwoutacause’s avatardevelwoutacause’s Twitter Archive—№ 1,738

  1. These are some BS arguments. This actually makes user security *worse* IMHO because it requires @Meta to rebase and release their app when users could immediately download #Chrome or System WebView updates. @tomayac/1575943083732058112
    1. …in reply to @develwoutacause
      It also means users need to update one more browser to stay safe online. "To protect yourself from this vulnerability, update Chrome to version X, but if you use Facebook also update that to version Y because they made architectural decisions which sacrificed your security."
      1. …in reply to @develwoutacause
        I'll also need to see some data to believe the claim that users go out of their way to update the #Facebook app specifically and nothing else. I can only see users updating everything or nothing.
        1. …in reply to @develwoutacause
          The one exception is when something breaks, users might update that app specifically. But if it's broken because it's out of date then they're already so far out of date in so many apps (Chrome and WebView specifically), that there's little value in prioritizing them.
          1. …in reply to @develwoutacause
            I'm not familiar enough with rendering performance to know if that's a good argument for doing this, but I do feel like it could easily be a flag contributed to #Android's real WebView and enabled by #Meta. I don't see why they'd need to fork it just for that.
            1. …in reply to @develwoutacause
              The "Mozilla and Edge already do this" argument is particularly disingenuous because THOSE ARE REAL BROWSERS! Their purpose is to browse the web. Facebook's purpose is to radicalize your uncle. We stay in our lanes and work together to provide value for both use cases.
              1. …in reply to @develwoutacause
                I will concede that the "crash on update" behavior is super annoying, and WebView in particular is the worst offender just because it's widely used across apps. @Android really needs to get around to fixing that.
                1. …in reply to @develwoutacause
                  While I agree it's a pain point, I'm not sure why Meta feels positioned to solve that particular problem? Facebook still crashes on update, it just won't crash on WebView update, so the "update everything" or "update nothing" users are relatively unaffected.
                  1. …in reply to @develwoutacause
                    Overall, not convinced at all that this is the right architecture or that it improves user experience (especially security). The improvement over System WebView is debatable at best, and none of the problems would exist at all if they used #ChromeCustomTabs in the first place.