develwoutacause’s avatardevelwoutacause’s Twitter Archive—№ 1,504

  1. The #Twitter testimony today should remind us all that ethics is a critical piece of any software role. Sometimes it's hard to draw a line and sometimes the impact isn't clear. Yet even the smallest decisions can have life-changing consequences for users. Don't forget that.
    A transcript from today's Jan 6th committee hearing from an anonymous Twitter employee who said (the first sentence is highlighted):

"I sent a Slack message to someone that said something along the lines of 'when people are shooting each other tomorrow, I will try and rest in the knowledge that we tried'. And so, I went to -I don't know that I slept night, to be honest with you. I-I was on pins and needles because, again, for for months I had been begging and anticipating and attempting to raise the reality that if nothing if we made no intervention into what I saw occurring, people were going to die. And on January 5th, I realized no intervention was coming. No there- and even as- as hard as I had tried to create one or implement one, there was nothing and we were -we were at the whims and the mercy of a violent crowd that was locked and loaded."