develwoutacause’s avatardevelwoutacause’s Twitter Archive—№ 1,599

    1. #TIL a #TypeScript class can implement its own interface. This seems utterly useless other than as an avenue for typos, but I'm kind of amazed it isn't an error?
      A snippet of TypeScript code which includes `class Foo implements Foo`, meaning it's implementing its own interface.
  1. …in reply to @develwoutacause
    The plot thickens, apparently you can define an interface and a class as the same symbol, though this doesn't behave in a sound way either. There's probably some historical reason for this, but I can't imagine what it was?
    A TypeScript snippet with an interface `Foo` which defines a function `bar`. Immediately afterwards, it defines a class also named `Foo` which implements `Foo` (whatever that means). The `Foo` class defines a method `baz`, but does *not* define a method `bar`, yet this is not an error. Afterwards a new `Foo` is instantiated and `` and `foo.baz()` are called. Neither of these are marked as errors.