develwoutacause’s avatardevelwoutacause’s Twitter Archive—№ 1,243

    1. …in reply to @heinrichbrandes
      @heinrichbrandes @Snebjorn @angular @geteslint Yep, a lot of people do that. The difference is: 1. Not everyone has IDE lint setups. 2. IDEs only show the current file. 3. Lints are much broader and vary in severity. I don't care that my var name isn't consistent while debugging, I do care that my two-way binding is wrong.
  1. …in reply to @develwoutacause
    @heinrichbrandes @Snebjorn @angular @geteslint Extended diagnostics are about elevating the most concerning and relevant diagnostics to the edit/refresh loop. A linter will surface much broader checks after a commit is already functional and ready for cleanup.