develwoutacause’s avatardevelwoutacause’s Twitter Archive—№ 335

      1. #Idea: The #WebBundles specification, but with a #JavaScript API that allows a page to write user data directly into the package and save it back to the file system. This could use web apps as a simple replacement for #PDF. Just send me the form, I fill it out, and send it back.
    1. …in reply to @develwoutacause
      For example, a company sends me a *.webbundle file, and double-clicking it opens the page in a browser with a simple form. I complete the form and save it back to the same file. I can then send that file back to the company, where they can view the data I entered.
  1. …in reply to @develwoutacause
    This sounds like a way more standardized and simple alternative to #Adobe #PDFs. The forms could be arbitrarily complex, calling backend APIs if desired. #GoogleDocs already can export to HTML, it could trivially support this system. #Wix and #Squarespace could help here too.