develwoutacause’s avatardevelwoutacause’s Twitter Archive—№ 268

  1. It's shocking to me that after 14 major versions, devs still need to figure out this stuff on our own. It is too much to ask @Apple for a comprehensive change log or release notes? @firt/1306367936895086594
    1. …in reply to @develwoutacause
      What's especially funny is that you'd think a marketing company like @Apple would understand the value of controlling the message. Dev-written articles always point out the caveats, which official #Apple docs wouldn't.
      1. …in reply to @develwoutacause
        I probably wouldn't notice a tenth of the problems brought up if they weren't directly mentioned as part of the article. I would then walk away with a much more positive opinion of @Apple and the #Safari14 release. Instead I feel jaded and saddened from every caveat mentioned.😩